Articles from 2024

Jorge Moreno

CLAS biology alum overcomes adversity to become a research scientist exploring molecular secrets to immortality

Jorge Moreno was born into a migrant family and entered the University of Iowa as a first-generation student. After faltering initially, he has earned multiple degrees and now is a research scientist attempting to unlock the molecular secrets to immortality.
Students participate in class

Learn about Nordic crime novels, history of oil, and more with CLAS general education courses

Monday, October 28, 2024
From reading page-turning Nordic crime novels to analyzing the cultural impact of American sports, there are many unique general education courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that you can choose from each semester. 
Photo of Andrew Forbes

Meet CLAS faculty member Andrew Forbes

Andrew Forbes, professor and associate chair of the department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, shares his love of insects.
student one-on-one with faculty mentor

Registration tips and tricks from CLAS academic advisors

Monday, October 28, 2024
It's almost time to register for the spring semester! Don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your academic advisor if you need registration authorization. Check out these tips for planning your courseload and to ensure your schedule is full for next semester.
Students studying

Transform your learning: Make study groups work for you

Monday, October 28, 2024
One common piece of advice from faculty and alumni is to join a study group. To use your time effectively and maximize the benefits of collaborative learning, consider these recommendations from Learning at Iowa.
person writing in a notebook in front of an open laptop

To drop or not to drop? These are the questions

Monday, October 28, 2024
If you have a class that isn’t going according to plan, here are some things to think about before the drop deadline on Nov. 18.
An image of CLAS alum Maria Drout

CLAS graduate named to TIME 100 Next List

Maria Drout, a graduate of College of Liberal Arts and Science at Iowa, earned a BA in physics and astronomy in 2010.
A graphic that displays "The University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Awards"

CLAS graduates honored with University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni Awards

Monday, October 21, 2024
Alumni of the college majored in history and music and will be recognized during a ceremony on Friday, Oct. 25.
Launch of a sounding rocket mission at Andøya Rocket Range

NASA funds CLAS student-led rocket mission

Monday, October 21, 2024
The University of Iowa has received nearly $1.7 million from NASA to fund the OCHRE student-led sounding rocket mission that will study cusp dynamics in the Earth’s magnetosphere and help train the next generation of space physicists and instrumentalists.
A student takes photos

Newspaper acquisition benefits CLAS journalism students

In addition to helping two community newspapers stay afloat, the purchase of the “Solon Economist” and the “Mount Vernon–Lisbon Sun” by “The Daily Iowan” is giving University of Iowa students more on-the-job training — and a taste of journalism practices in a small town.