Opening the door for you to explore areas of study and uncover your interests. 

The CLAS Core, the college's general education curriculum, ensures that when you enter your major and later take your degree into the world, you will have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed.

We're here to help!

Course requirements are slightly different depending on when you enter the university. Schedule time with your advisor for help navigating requirements and course selection.

Through the CLAS Core, you will learn how to...

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Think in new ways about our global society, while appreciating the history.

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Gather and interpret a variety of information, from scientific to literary and artistic. 

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Communicate your ideas through writing, speaking, and the arts.

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Work with all types of people to generate ideas and solve problems. 

The curriculum focuses on “learning how to learn,” helping you sharpen the academic skills you need to achieve excellence. You'll experience the essential values of a liberal arts education: curiosity, exploration, and discovery.

Develop soft skills

General education courses give you communication, problem-solving, and adaptability skills that employers value.

Adapt and change

General education courses teach you how to adapt to changes, including in the job market. 

Lasting memories

General education courses are often listed as favorites among alumni when they reflect on their college experience.

Problem solving and teamwork

You'll gain these top two skills desired by employers through general education courses.

General Education CLAS Core courses prepare you for the job market with essential skills. 

According to the NACE Job Outlook 2024 report, nearly 90 percent of employers who responded are seeking evidence of a student's ability to solve problems, and nearly 80 percent of employers are seeking candidates who have strong teamwork skills.

90 %

of employers are seeking employees who can solve problems

NACE's Job Outlook 2024 report

80 %

of employers are seeking employees who can work in a team

NACE Job Outlook 2024 report

Explore possibilities

Discover engaging general education courses that interest you, while gaining valuable skills that will prepare you for a dynamic job market and a successful career.

FAQs about the General Education CLAS Core

Yes. In order to graduate with a degree from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences you must satisfy all of the requirements of the General Education CLAS Core. Students, however, have many options for how to complete these requirements.

Yes. We accept AP, CLEP, and IB credit by examination for some areas of the General Education CLAS Core program. The World Languages component may be fulfilled through placement or proficiency examinations. Transfer credit also may be used to fulfill some requirements. Consult Admissions for specific information.

No. A single course fulfills only one requirement. If you take a course that is approved in more than one General Education CLAS Core area, the Registrar will place the course on your degree audit in the first uncompleted category for which the course is approved. You may request that the course be moved to another category for which it is approved by emailing Graduation Analysis.

You cannot choose the Pass/Nonpass (P/N) option for courses you’re taking in order to satisfy the General Education CLAS Core requirements. The only time you can choose the P/N grading option is if you are taking a GE course as an elective. Courses with S/F or S/U grading that are approved for General Education may be used to satisfy General Education CLAS Core program requirements. 

Yes, in most cases. If the course is approved for General Education CLAS Core and is also a requirement for a major or minor, you generally may use that same course to satisfy multiple requirements. However, some programs limit multiple counting, especially certificate programs. Consult the program director or the General Catalog for more information.

No more than three. With the exception of the World Languages requirement, you may not use more than three courses from any one department to complete the General Education CLAS Core program.

If you were admitted as an Honors student or have joined the Honors Program, you may enroll in special Honors sections of General Education CLAS Core courses. The Honors Program also offers some Honors seminars that can satisfy CLAS Core requirements.

Please contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. SDS staff members will work with you and your instructor to coordinate alternate accommodations. Students should also contact the Office of Academic Programs and Student Development and talk to us about your situation. Read the full list of General Education policies.