Student members of DSAC work with the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Cornelia Lang, to foster community building for students in CLAS and to provide insights about the undergraduate experience to the college’s administration. DSAC meets once a month during the fall and spring semesters.

Here are some of the functions and activities of the Committee:

  • Provide feedback to CLAS UP and the collegiate administration on academic matters
  • Recent discussions with DSAC have included the CLAS Core World Language Pathways, strategies for supportive grading practices, and changes to the CLAS absence and attendance policies, specifically around mental health concerns.
  • Plan and offer events that provide students with chances to connect with other students across departments and majors, addressing the interests of CLAS Undergraduate students, such as experiential learning opportunities.
  • Discuss areas of the undergraduate academic experience that students feel need attention and support. 
  • Provide opportunities to serve on several CLAS committees.

The committee meets monthly during the academic year. If you have any questions, feel free to contact DSAC at