Scholarship details

Number of scholarships

  • Up to twenty (20) scholarships will be awarded each academic year. 


  • Must be registered for a research project, honors in the major, guided independent study, research-based capstone course, or for the BFA project during the semester of the award.
  • Must have a 3.33 UI cumulative GPA.
  • Must submit a letter of recommendation from a CLAS faculty member.
  • Must continue full-time as a junior or senior.
  • Must be enrolled in a College of Liberal Arts & Sciences degree granting program and seeking your first undergraduate degree.
  • Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 s.h. during semester. of award
  • Former ICRU fellows are eligible to apply.
  • Current ICRU fellows are not eligible.


This scholarship is not renewable.


(1) Student submits:

  • an email to  with their name and university ID number and the name of their faculty mentor (who should also provide an email).
  • an attached one-page description of the research project including how the work advances their own research or creative goals.

(2) CLAS Faculty mentor submits:(Only projects that will involve a CLAS faculty member as mentor, advisor, or in another capacity will be approved.)

  • an email to  confirming that the student will be doing research under their guidance and a short statement of endorsement of the student and the research project (this does not need to be a formal letter of recommendation, but a short endorsement).

For proposals involving groups of students, please submit one proposal with each students name, email, and university id number.

Proposals should be submitted electronically, questions can be sent to .


Rolling- applications will be reviewed in the order they arrive

For more information

Contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs at or call 319-335-2633.