Articles from 2023
CLAS faculty member explains popularity of Roman Empire social media trend
Monday, October 23, 2023
CLAS faculty explains the popularity of Roman Empire
CLAS faculty part of Book Matters discussion on Oct. 26 led by associate dean Roland Racevskis
Monday, October 23, 2023
CLAS Faculty part of Book Matters discussion

CLAS physics faculty member receives two prestigious honors
Monday, October 16, 2023
Associate professor Allison Jaynes was recognized by the American Geophysical Union and the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics for her scientific contributions.

Iowa alum credits storytelling skills to her success as a yogi podcaster
Monday, October 16, 2023
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences graduate Lily Allen-Dueñas quit her day job and began teaching yoga internationally. From there, she found a passion for international yoga through her business and audio storytelling.
CLAS, Iowa Neuroscience Institute welcomed Swedish pianist and neuroscientist to bring arts and sciences into harmony
Monday, October 16, 2023
Iowa Neuroscience Institute welcomed Swedish pianist and neuroscientist
CLAS faculty explores how quickly people correctly identify spoken words in NIH funded study
Monday, October 16, 2023
Faculty notices how quickly people identified spoken words

CLAS faculty member receives NEH fellowship for his dedication to the research of ancient manuscripts
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Paul Dilley, associate professor of ancient Mediterranean religions at the University of Iowa, was named a 2023 National Endowment for the Humanities fellow.
Hancher launches new Infinite Dream Festival
Monday, October 9, 2023
Artists visit the University of Iowa for a multidisciplinary exploration of the American story.

Miles Named PI of TRACERS Mission
Monday, October 9, 2023
Miles is stepping into the role after the passing of Craig Kletzing in August.
For lit lovers: books, authors, events coming to campus
Monday, October 9, 2023
Take a look at some of the upcoming author events, new releases, and reading opportunities.