If it is not an emergency, and you have a concern related to access, opportunity, and diversity, please report it:

Report a concern to the Division of Access, Opportunity, and Diversity

Other reporting options for related concerns

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance reporting

Report a concern regarding ADA compliance to the Americans with Disabilities Act Coordinator.

Phone: 319-335-0705
Email: ocrc-disability@uiowa.edu

Bias incidents or concerns reporting (Campus Inclusion Team)

If you are a student and have been the subject of (or a witness to) a bias incident or concern, please file a report with the Campus Inclusion Team.

Reporting discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault (OCRC)

Office of Civil Rights Compliance (OCRC): Options for reporting incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual assault by University of Iowa students, faculty, and staff. OCRC investigates formal and informal complaints of sexual harassment, including sexual assault. OCRC is charged with implementation of equal opportunity, affirmative action, and diversity policies at the University of Iowa.

  • Confidential resources: Confidential resources to help people evaluate situations of unwanted behavior or sexual harassment. If you believe that you or someone you know is a victim of sexual harassment or unwanted behavior, you are urged to contact one of these resources to discuss the situation.
  • Non-confidential resources: These resources are considered non-confidential resources for reporting. This list includes mandatory reporters.
  • Discrimination complaint procedures: OCRC investigates complaints of discrimination pursuant to the university's Policy on Human Rights.

Phone: 319-335-0705
TDD: 319-335-0697
Email: ocrc-titleIX@uiowa.edu

Conflict management (UI Ombudsperson)

UI Ombudsperson: Confidential, neutral, informal, and independent, the Office of the Ombudsperson is a safe place for staff, faculty, and students to discuss conflicts or any concerns about the university or its policies or procedures.

In case of emergency

In the case of an emergency, please dial 911 or call University of Iowa Police at 319-335-5022.

Sexual assault, abuse, and misconduct: 24-hour support, advocacy, and referrals