Graduates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will enjoy vocal performances from their peers with the singing of the National Anthem during two undergraduate commencement ceremonies on Saturday, May 13, 2023, where more than 2,100 undergraduate students will graduate.
Meet the morning singer: Aurora Navarro Cancel
Aurora Navarro Cancel, of Ankeny, Iowa, will perform at the 9 a.m. ceremony, graduating with a Bachelor of Music degree in music therapy, a minor in French, and a certificate in creative writing.

During her time at Iowa, Navarro Cancel has been active while on campus, driving for CAMBUS and participating in many student activities, including arts-centric groups like Dance Club and Hawkeye Marching Band, and religious-centric organizations like Cru and Ratio Christi. She says she has made some of her closest friends in those groups, strengthening her relationship with artistic and religious communities.
She says studying at Iowa has provided her more assurance as a performer.
“Thanks to the University of Iowa music faculty, I have come to know my voice better with a wide variety of repertoire and performing opportunities,” she says. “I now have more confidence that I can have success as a singer.”
Navarro Cancel plans to pursue music therapy as a career and is considering graduate school in the future.
Meet the afternoon singer: Lauren Kundel

Lauren Kundel, of Muscatine, Iowa, will perform at the 1 p.m. ceremony, graduating with a Bachelor of Music degree in voice performance.
While at Iowa, Kundel enjoyed performing with the university choir, student back chorus, and symphony orchestra. She’s also been an artist in residence at Wesley United Methodist Church in her hometown of Muscatine.
She says she is especially grateful to the faculty who have supported her and for the great sense of community within the UI School of Music. Kundel says that encouragement was on full display when she switched from her major from double bass performance and music education to voice during the height of the pandemic.
“I began taking secondary voice lessons with my professor, Dr. DesChamps. After a semester of that, I re-auditioned for the school of music and was accepted into the voice program,” she explains. “I was able to work ahead and complete the remaining voice requirements in just two and a half years.”
Kundel will return to Iowa next year as a graduate student in the voice program. She hopes to be able to pursue a career in music that she enjoys upon completion of her graduate degree.
For more information about University of Iowa commencement, visit