Students can turn to their peers for help in various courses and majors across the departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Schaeffer Hall spring

Departments in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have various programs available that connect students to their peers for assistance. 

Whether you’re seeking bi-weekly tutoring in an introductory biology course or desire extra assistance in a large enrollment chemistry classroom, or mentorship and a sense of community—there are peer-to-peer programming available in many departments to help.  

Learn about four programs available to you during your time in CLAS. 


Department of Biology

The Department of Biology has several peer-to-peer programs, each tailored to a specific area of the major. 

The Biology Undergraduate Mentorship Program provides an opportunity for underclassmen to receive advice from upperclassman on classes, internships and career advice. The mentors host study sessions, mentee-matching events, and other relationship building events.  

“The connection we have with each other as students, sitting down to study in a coffee shop, dorm, park, or wherever with each other, is distinct from the connection one makes with a professor during office hours,” said Tyler Draayer, a third-year student and executive director for BIO.  

For Draayer, being a peer mentor has been a rewarding experience as he gets to advise his fellow students and grow his leadership skills. Draayer is a genetics and biotechnology major on the pre-medicine track.  

BIO, the department’s student organization, hosts tutoring sessions and review sessions over Zoom for introductory courses in the major, including Foundations of Biology, and Diversity of Form and Function.  

“The camaraderie we form with each other as students is a special kind of connection that we can harness to strengthen our learning,” Draayer said. “I believe this is the power and the purpose of the peer-to-peer programs like BIO and the Honors Peer Mentors.” 

Peer mentor student Abigail Townsend, a fourth-year student majoring in neuroscience, said she has been able to see the first hand the benefits of peer to peer programming. 

"By creating spaces for open dialogue and mentorship, we build a stronger academic community," Townsend said. "I believe these connections not only enhance academic success but also encourage critical thinking and leadership skills that extend beyond the classroom."

Department of Classics 

The Department of Classics has similar programming for their students studying Latin and Greek.  

The department offers tutoring to undergraduates in Latin and Greek courses from an advanced undergraduate student. There are usually one to two tutors for each language every year. 

Aidan Trabold, a third-year Greek tutor, said mentoring his fellow students has helped his own understanding of Greek. Trabold is majoring in Ancient Civilization, Classical Languages, and Linguistics, with a minor in Anthropology. 

“As a student in classics myself, I also strengthen my own understanding of Greek by teaching it and have met incredibly dedicated students who inspire me,” Trabold said.  

Trabold currently serves as a Classical and New Testament Greek tutor and hopes to intend to become the Elementary Latin tutor next semester.  

Another tutor inside the classics department is fourth-year student Lily Hart, who is the departmental tutor for Latin. 

“Being an undergraduate teaching assistant and tutor has greatly helped my personal and professional growth by connecting me with peers in my field and developing my teaching skills,” Hart said. “These responsibilities helped me realize I wanted to continue studying and promoting Classics.”  

Thanks to her time as a tutor within the classics department, Hart has had other opportunities arise that have enrichened her college experience.  

“More opportunities have arisen thanks to these experiences, and I feel so lucky to have been involved with peer-to-peer programming,” Hart said.  

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Chemistry uses learning assistants for their larger undergraduate classroom environments. The learning assistants receive training and are enrolled in a course to be better equipped to help students. 

The learning assistants are undergraduate students who, with training and support, help facilitate activities during class sessions to increase active collaboration to improve student learning. 

School of Journalism and Mass Communication 

The School of Journalism and Mass Communication has a robust peer mentoring program that allows advanced undergraduate students to support and encourage student success, specifically to new and first- or second-year students.  

Abby Feldmann, fourth year journalism student and a SJMC peer mentor, said the best part of her job is being able to meet new journalism students.  

“I get to help underclassmen with their coursework and set them up for success with professors, courses, and skills, but more importantly I have the privilege of befriending all sorts of students,” Feldmann said. “These students are kind and smart and it’s an honor to get to work with them and see their growth as they make their way through the journalism major.” 

Peer mentors help students one-on-one and in group settings. They serve as guides for their peers and help with foundational courses, study tips, resources, and mentorship. In addition, SJMC peer mentors help plan events for the student body, further enriching student experiences.  

“I truly cannot emphasize enough the importance of these peer-to-peer roles: I help students academically but I also get to help them out emotionally as a friend and confidant,” Feldmann said. “I help make the journalism school a stronger place that is better equipped to help its students, and that is a great honor.”