Check out these tips from Learning at Iowa for advice on mindset, goal setting, time management, and note-taking to help you kick off the spring semester.
Monday, February 3, 2025

By Learning at Iowa

The start of a new semester is a great time for a fresh start. 

To become the most successful student you can be, the experts at Learning at Iowa suggest reflecting on your mindset, setting actionable goals, managing your time proactively, and enhancing your learning with effective note-taking. Use these first few weeks to set yourself up for success before the semester gets busy!

For a deeper dive into these topics, attend our upcoming student success workshops. These sessions take place in the CLAS academic advising suite on the first floor of the University Capitol Centre – located across from International Programs. You can find the full schedule online.

Recommendations for better learning this semester:

Reflect on your mindset

Each semester brings ups and downs. Reflect on your mindset going into this semester. What are you proud of from last semester? How will you continue those actions and habits this semester?

If last semester didn’t go as you had hoped, work on building your growth mindset. Think of a challenge you faced and the steps you took to overcome it.  Reflect on a skill or course content that you worked hard to learn last semester, even though it was difficult at first. Change doesn't happen overnight, so stay positive and consistent. Remind yourself that with time and effort, you can achieve difficult things!

Set actionable goals 

A student takes notes and studies on a laptop
A student takes notes and studies for a course. 

What are your goals for the coming semester? Like New Year's resolutions, semester goals can be quickly abandoned. To stay focused, make your goals specific, challenging, and connected to your long-term aspirations. Focus on actions or behaviors that you can control. For example, instead of "get all As and Bs," try "attend classes every day" or "go to office hours each week."

As you review your new syllabi, consider how each course will help you grow and achieve your goals. Identifying these opportunities will help you stay motivated, even during busy periods. If you are taking a class you’re not passionate about, focus on how it will help you achieve a long-term goal, like fulfilling requirements for your major or learning a language before studying abroad.

Optimize your time management strategies 

Time management is challenging because college courses are less structured than high school. Deadlines that are far in the future and coupled with infrequent feedback on assignments can lead to procrastination, increased stress, and burnout. 

Be proactive by planning and monitoring your time this spring. Use this worksheet to identify your current time management skills. Then, try incorporating more of these effective strategies -and using them regularly. 

Develop effective note-taking habits 

Keeping track of all the material you are covering in multiple courses can be a struggle. Experiment with your note-taking to improve your understanding and memory. Use this worksheet to help you actively engage with your notes, rather than simply re-reading or reviewing them:  

  • If reading is assigned before a lecture or discussion, do your best to complete it. 
    Knowing something about the topic in advance gives you some existing knowledge to connect with the new material, which will help you make the mental connections you need to create durable memories.
  • Look for the organizing structure of the lecture or reading. 
    Connect ideas and topics presented to try and understand the relationship between them.
  • Generate your own examples in addition to those shared by the instructor. 
  • Identify any areas where your notes are confusing or missing information
    Seek clarification by going to office hours, tutoring, or Supplemental Instruction.

For more ideas and recommendations on effective learning, visit