Website Editing

Depending on the system your current website is operating in, either Drupal 7 or Drupal 9 (aka SiteNow v3), there are different guides and resources available to help you learn how to manage, update, and edit your website. As a public institution, it is important to follow best practices for our websites and ensure our digital properties are accessible and useable for everyone. More resources and training options are available on the University of Iowa Brand website as well as the UI Web Community site.

Website best practices and accessibility

As a content editor or manager, it's important that you follow best practices for presenting and formatting your content on the page. This ensures it is useable and accessible to anyone who visits your website, including people who may need a visual assistive device, like a screen reader. Before editing your website for the first time, be sure to read the guides below. To learn more about website accessibility and our commitment at the University of Iowa, visit the Digital Accessibility@Iowa website.

Quick best practices guide for web (Drupal 7)
Website Editing 101 Presentation (Drupal 9) **NEW**

Drupal 9 (aka "SiteNow")

If your website has been recently updated, you are operating in the Drupal 9 (SiteNow) content management system. Drupal 9 (SiteNow) allows users to build high-quality websites quickly that are reliably hosted, secure, and supported. If you are currently using Drupal 9 (SiteNow), you can browse this library of documented guides to help answer questions or troubleshoot issues as you manage your website. 

Drupal 7 

CLAS is working to migrate all of its website proprieties out of Drupal 7 and into Drupal 9 (SiteNow). If your website is still in Drupal 7, use this Drupal Guide to help answer questions or trouble shoot issues with your current website. A guide is also available on for lab websites in the Drupal 7 content system