New CLAS Visiting and Adjunct Appointment Guidelines

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Joe Kearney, Interim Dean, CLAS, Raúl Curto, Executive Associate Dean, CLAS
RE: New CLAS Visiting and Adjunct Appointment Guidelines

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As recently announced at a DEO meeting, the College has drafted new Guidelines for Visiting and Adjunct appointments.  The new Guidelines will go into effect in Academic Year 2019-2020.  Please note: the portion of the Guidelines referring to the percentage of appointment related to Adjuncts will be in effect for Spring 2019.

CLAS Visiting Appointment Guidelines
Definition:  Visiting faculty appointments are made in the College to cover courses vacated by externally funded leaves, unpaid leaves, resignations, retirements, or other reasons.  Visiting faculty who are appointed on an academic year basis for at least one academic year at 50% or greater effort, will be appointed with full UI Benefits. 
Appointment:  The percentage of effort assigned to a 3 s.h. course should be 25% for a semester appointment, and 12.5% for an academic year appointment.  Visiting faculty are integrated into the departmental culture and are typically invited to faculty meetings, etc.
Search Requirements:  The College requires all benefit eligible visiting appointment positions to be appointed via a regional or national search.  If a visitor is identified via a search, the department may initiate a change of status form to extend that visitor into a second or third year.  Initial requests for visitors will be approved via CLAS MAX 2.0.
Term limits:  Visiting appointments will not last longer than three academic years, regardless of the appointment percentage.  The three-year clock will be reset if the visitor has a break in service that lasts at least two consecutive semesters (i.e. Fall/Spring; Spring/Fall).

The College encourages departments/schools to:

  • Appoint visiting faculty on an academic year basis.  To annualize an appointment, there must be at least 50% teaching effort in each semester;
  • Maximize the percentage of appointments in order to attract the best candidates; this may involve decreasing the number of visiting appointments and increasing the percentage of a given appointment.

CLAS Adjunct Appointment Guidelines
Definition:  Adjuncts typically hold primary positions either outside or within the University.  Adjunct appointments are always temporary, part-time, and do not include benefits.  Paid adjunct appointments must be less than 50% time.  Beginning academic year 2019-20, the College will restrict adjuncts to teach only one course or equivalent per semester. 
Appointment:  Initiate a 0% appointment for up to three years to be renewed at any time at the discretion of the department.  Use an adjunct support form to bring an adjunct in and out of paid status on a semester-by-semester basis.  Percentage of paid appointment should be 20% per course (per semester) unless otherwise defined; this effort includes teaching only and does not involve service to the department.
Term Limits:  There is no limit on the amount of time someone can be an adjunct as long as the percentage of time is less than 50% in any given semester.
Search Requirements:  An Equal Opportunity and Diversity search is not required for adjunct appointments.  You must run a three-day advertisement through the temporary jobs section of Self-Service if the faculty member has not been in a paid appointment within 24 months at the University of Iowa.

Allocation of Resources for Visiting and Adjunct Appointments
Before a request for resources to appoint visitors or adjuncts can be considered by the College, an affirmation on the part of the Department’s DEO that all tenure-, clinical- and instructional-track faculty are fully deployed is required.  The easiest way to provide such affirmation is to ensure that all permanent faculty eligible to teach (tenure-, clinical- and instructional-track) have been listed on the MAUI Course Planner.  Thus, the College will postpone consideration of requests for visitors or adjuncts when the Course Planner does not include all eligible permanent faculty.