Administrative Manual — Faculty Searches and Appointments

Regarding Contact
recruitment of tenured faculty Sara Sanders, Dean
recruitment and appointment of tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty; establishment of tenure timetable; faculty resignations or retirements Chris Cheatum, Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences; or Roland Racevskis, Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities
space and equipment for faculty teaching and research; start-up costs for new recruitments; matching funds for sponsored research Joshua Weiner, Associate Dean for Research
information on recruitment process; status of faculty searches; templates of offer letters for tenure-track and non-tenure-track faculty appointments Tiffany Schier, Faculty Affairs Director, CLAS
assistance in securing job opportunities for spouses and partners of faculty, staff, or recruitment candidates Garry Klein, Director of Career Coaching, Dual Career Services, C310 Pomerantz Center
ICE (Immigration Customs and Enforcement), formerly INS: employment regulations Faculty and Staff Immigration Services
121-20 USB

Clinical-track Faculty Positions
End of Faculty Appointment
Independent (Visiting) Scholar Status
The Offer of Tenure-track Appointment
Recruitment to Fill Named Chairs
Recruitment of Jointly Appointed Faculty
Recruitment Procedures for Tenure-track Faculty
Special Recruitment Opportunities
Submitting the Appointment Papers