Modification in Language for Required Syllabus Insert

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and the Humanities
RE: Modification in Language for Required Syllabus Insert

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At the request of the UI Student Government and with the recommendation of the Undergraduate Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee (UEPCC), CLAS has added new language to the required syllabus insert concerning disabilities.

Please make sure that all syllabi for courses offered by your unit use this revised insert starting with Summer 2016.

This category on the required syllabus insert now reads as follows:

Accommodations for Disabilities

The University of Iowa is committed to providing an educational experience that is accessible to all students. A student may request academic accommodations for a disability (which include but are not limited to mental health, attention, learning, vision, and physical or health-related conditions). A student seeking academic accommodations should first register with Student Disability Services and then meet with the course instructor privately in the instructor's office to make particular arrangements. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between the student, instructor, and SDS. See for information. 

An updated copy of the insert is available online at the CLAS web site; For Faculty pages; Teaching Policies and Resources; Required Syllabus:

Thank you for updating the syllabus insert for courses with their administrative home in your area and for sharing this information with instructors as needed.