Promotion and Tenure Process Workshop

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Maggy Tomova, Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences, Roland Racevskis, Associate Dean for the Arts and Humanities
RE: Promotion and Tenure Process Workshop

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The Spring 2021 Promotion and Tenure Process Workshop will be held on April 8, 2021 from 8:30-10:30 a.m. via Zoom.  If a department has candidates who will be going up for promotion and/or tenure in fall 2021, the DEO, Administrator, Committee Chair, and involved staff are should plan to attend this workshop if they did not attend one in Fall 2020.

This workshop will review the requirements and process for P&T: discuss forms, conflict of interest, external reviewers, letters, timeline and deadlines, criteria for rank, CCG, joint appointments, absent faculty, confidentiality, problems, and solutions. 

Please email with the names of those who will need to attend, and she will send an outlook invitation with the meeting link.

Thank you.