Mid-semester Reminders for Undergraduate Instructors

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Cornelia Lang, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
RE: Mid-semester Reminders for Undergraduate Instructors

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Undergraduate Student Absences

As we approach the midpoint of the semester and concerns about student absences rise, please take a few moments to review policies and guidance on student absences:

Student Absences due to COVID-19

General guidance on Student Absences

Students and instructors are required to fill out the self-report form to report illness or exposure to COVID-19.

Documentation related to absences

  • Daily reports (Student Absence Report) are provided to instructors via email (a list of students who have filled out the self-report form within the last 24 hour period).
  • The self-report form report will serve as the student excused absence note, and instructors may not request additional medical documentation.
  • Daily reports are not cumulative, but cumulative reports can be found within each ICON course site using the Course Absence List feature (which is also up to date related to student adds/drops).
  • For longer absences and absences not necessarily related to COVID-19, students can be asked to use the CLAS absence form to report their absence and turn it in to the instructor; this form is also available through ICON.

Supporting student absences

  • It is critical that the syllabus clearly provides an explanation of attendance policies, including what students should do if they will be absent from class.
  • Whenever possible, instructors should try to build in flexibility to attendance and participation policies.
  • It is also not expected or encouraged for instructors of in-person courses to offer Zoom as an alternate way for students to attend class, but only to students whose absence is reported on the instructor self-report forms or for other emergency reasons.

Reminders about Course Modalities (from Quick Guide for Spring 2022)

As the University continues to be committed to a residential in-person experience, it is critical that instructors help support students with the routine of coming to our classrooms in person.

  • An instructor (either the course instructor or designated back-up person) must be present in a classroom while students are present in case an emergency situation arises.
  • Keep in mind that teaching a course in person and online simultaneously is not recommended and not all classrooms can be set up to support this type of course delivery.
  • Instructors should limit online access only to students who appear on the daily Instructor Student Absence Report or for other emergency circumstances.
  • Instructors may choose, if feasible, but are not required, to make recorded lectures available online to support student learning or to enable students to catch-up on material they may have missed.
  • Providing a standing Zoom link to all students in an in-person course as an option for attendance is discouraged.

Drop and Withdrawal Deadlines

  • Dropping a course: The deadline for undergraduate students to drop individual semester-length courses without dean’s authorization is Monday, April 4.
  • Withdrawal of entire registration: The deadline for undergraduate students to withdraw from the spring semester without dean’s authorization is Monday, April 18.
  • The full calendar can be seen here: https://registrar.uiowa.edu/academic-calendar.

Considerations for instructors related to the deadline to drop a course (Monday, April 4)

  • The mark of W will appear on the student’s transcript. Ws are neutral marks that do not affect a student’s GPA and in some cases may help a student focus more on their other courses and stay in good academic standing.
  • CLAS does not typically make exceptions to the drop deadline except in situations where the student has been seriously ill, has had a family emergency, or has been involved in a similar extenuating circumstance. In these cases, documentation is required for the college to approve a drop after the April 4 deadline.
  • Please refer students with questions to CLAS Undergraduate Programs in 120 Schaeffer Hall or clasps@uiowa.edu.

Concerned about an undergraduate student?

The academic staff in CLAS Undergraduate Programs (120 Schaeffer Hall) have created a reporting form for instructors to use when concerns arise related to a student in one of their courses. If you have a student you are concerned about, please fill out the online reporting form. You will be asked to share your name, the student’s name, and a brief summary of the concern. You can choose whether or not to remain anonymous, and CLAS staff will determine the appropriate outreach and resources to support the student.

Consider a mid-term check in on your students

See the February 23 DEO memo for suggestions on gauging students’ learning and well-being.

Thank you for helping our students—and please let us know of your suggestions on how we can better support instructors.