Helping Students Build Skills for Civic Dialogue

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Sarah Hansen, Vice President for Student Life & David Supp-Montgomerie, Associate Professor of Instruction, Communication Studies
RE: Helping Students Build Skills for Civic Dialogue

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The ability to discuss and debate across difference is a skill worth building. As the November election approaches, are you looking for healthy ways to get students talking about politics and learning to engage in civic dialogue across difference? In the Unify College Bowl Challenge non-partisan civic engagement program, students from different schools are matched across political divides for one-on-one guided virtual conversations to talk about big goals for our country. Integrating into your class is easy—just take 10-15 minutes to share information, and students register and attend on their own time. Here is the short video of UIOWA students talking about their experience last semester.

Skills to engage across difference and debate without dehumanizing are more important now than ever. Naturally, learning and practicing such skills helps.

Interested faculty can contact David Supp-Montgomerie (, Associate Professor of Instruction, Department of Communication Studies, for more information or sign up here.