DSP Grant Submission Issues: SAM.gov

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Joshua Weiner, Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure
RE: DSP Grant Submission Issues: SAM.gov

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Hopefully all impacted researchers have seen the email from Vice President for Research Marty Scholtz already, but to ensure this, I am pasting it below. CLAS has no other information at this time, and did not learn about this situation before this email went out January 23. As the OVPR notes, please direct any inquiries to dsp@uiowa.edu. We are monitoring the situation and will amplify any updates that come out.

Jan. 23 email from OVPR:
Starting today, individuals who use federal proposal submission systems for research grants and contracts may see error messages or be precluded from submitting documents. This is related to the University of Iowa’s registration in SAM.gov, which is pending renewal from the federal government. This year, there is increased scrutiny on the congruence between our legal name (State University of Iowa), and The University of Iowa, the name that has historically been recognized in SAM.

The Office of the Vice President for Research is monitoring the situation closely and determining the short-term impacts on the institution’s ability to submit proposals, receive awards and draw down funds from federal agencies.

Our teams are working hard through every available channel to resolve the issues as soon as possible. Please reach out to dsp@uiowa.edu if you have questions about how this will impact your sponsored projects.

We will share updates with campus via email and our website as they become available.

Marty Scholtz
Vice President for Research