Call for Nominations: The Lola Lopes Award for Undergraduate Student Advocacy

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Sara Sanders, Dean and Director of DEI
RE: Call for Nominations: The Lola Lopes Award for Undergraduate Student Advocacy

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Please see the following information provided by Associate ProvostTanya Uden-Holman.

With the Lola Lopes Award for Undergraduate Student Advocacy, the Office of the Provost each year honors a current University of Iowa administrator, staff member, or faculty member (in a non-teaching role) who supports undergraduate education and who serves as a strong, effective advocate for undergraduate students.

The recipient of the Award will receive a $1,000 honorarium and a certificate, and the recipient's name will be added to a plaque displayed prominently in the Admission Visitors Center where prospective students and parents can see the importance we place on undergraduate students and their educational experience.

ELIGIBILITY: All current UI administrators, staff, and faculty in a non-teaching role are eligible.

NOMINATIONS: All current faculty, staff, and students are welcome to make nominations, which should include a nomination form, a narrative letter, and two letters of support.  Instructions for how to nominate and a link to the online nomination form are available at:

Nominations are due by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2022. If you have questions regarding the online nomination process or have any problems with your submission of the online nomination, please contact Angie Cochran at