Midterm Check-Ins: Course Feedback, Student Support and Midterm Grades

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Cornelia Lang, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
RE: Midterm Check-Ins: Course Feedback, Student Support and Midterm Grades

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Midterm Check-in on Students: Course Feedback and Midterm Grades

Please consider reaching out to students using a simple check-in strategy to gauge students’ learning and well-being. By listening to students’ concerns, you show you care about their academic success while upholding your course standards.

These tools for collecting course feedback are easy to use and keep students’ anonymity:

Visit this website for ideas about questions to ask at midterm and when or how to schedule this feedback:

Student responses or data, though not added to the end of the semester evaluations, often improve response rates and the quality of students’ feedback on those official ACE feedback forms. The OTLT Center for Teaching can also work with you to create formative assessment strategies.

Academic Concern Form: If you have a student you are concerned about academically (not attending class, not responding to emails or turning in assignments), please fill out the online reporting form. You will be asked to share your name, the student’s name, and a brief summary of the concern. CLAS UP staff will determine the appropriate outreach and resources to support the student. Please refer to the CLAS UP website Helping Undergraduate Students in Distress if you need further guidance on campus resources.

Reporting Midterm Grades

  • Please make sure all student work to date is graded so that all students in your course understand how they are doing and what letter grade they are currently earning.
  • Midterm notices for students currently earning an F, D-, D, and D+ should be reported from March 2-March 23, 2023, with instructions on this page.
  • Information on current course grades can help students better plan their time and be successful. In addition, they are better able to assess whether they should remain in the course or drop it before the final drop deadline of Monday, April 17.
  • Academic advisors and staff in CLAS UP use midterm notices for additional outreach to students, offering appropriate support and resources.