Reminder: AY23-24 Visitor and Adjunct Funding Requests Due December 7, 2022

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Dean’s Office Administration
RE: Reminder: AY23-24 Visitor and Adjunct Funding Requests Due December 7, 2022

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As the College continues to manage our budget, we are working to streamline the request, review, and approval process of visitor and adjunct requests. To help us be more responsive to departments and better plan the budget, we ask that all departments submit all visitor, overload, and adjunct fund requests for the fall 2023-spring 2024 academic year in the CLAS Max 2.0 system no later than December 7, 2022.

This deadline has been moved up from when originally announced to allow departments to know what courses are approved and what need to be removed from the Offerings Planner before the Fall 2023 Schedule Builder opens to students in February.  As requests are reviewed, the group will look at how each request supports balance across the General Education curriculum, how the course is required for majors, and overall enrollment.

Please attach an “airline seating chart” for your department for the 2023-2024 academic year with each CLAS MAX request, sample attached. If your department creates their own version of this chart or regularly uses a MAUI report (example: the Course Sections report) in your course planning, it is acceptable to upload that instead as long as it includes (1) a list of full course offerings by semester with instructor assignments and (2) a summary documenting overall faculty loads and showing full deployment of all instructors (faculty and TAs).

CLAS will not consider adjunct and visitor requests for the academic year after this December 7, 2022 deadline unless they meet one of the criteria for Emergency Requests: faculty illness, unplanned retirement/termination, or course buyout.

By streamlining the timing for visitor and adjunct funding requests, we will be able to best work within the budget and be more responsive to ensuring funding decisions are made prior to the start of early registration in the spring.

Thank you.