Dependent Eligibility Verification

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Nancy G. Fick, Senior Director, CLAS Human Resources
RE: Dependent Eligibility Verification

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This summer, the University of Iowa began asking employees with dependents listed on their UIChoice plan to verify their eligibility for plan coverage.  The University has hired Health Management Systems (HMS), a third-party vendor that provides services to organizations, to conduct this verification.

Please remind your faculty and staff in your respective units that they should have received a notification via US Mail to verify their dependents.  It is extremely important that all employees needing to verify dependents adhere to the September 10, 2018, deadline.  Failure to do so will result in any and all dependents not verified to be removed from the UIChoice plan effective January 1, 2019.  There will be no opportunity to add dependents during the open enrollment period typically held in November each year.

Here is a link to more information and FAQs.

Please note:  If you are submitting a birth certificate for an eligible child, the child’s birth certificate must name you, your spouse, or your domestic partner as the child’s parent.  Iowa birth certificates issued between May 1993 to October 2009 may not have included this information.  Please review your documents to ensure you submit the appropriate information.  For further information on Iowa birth certificates you can click on the below link.

Thank you.