Syllabi and Grading Guidelines: Reminders

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum, and the Humanities
RE: Syllabi and Grading Guidelines: Reminders

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As you complete the planning for your fall courses, please keep in mind that DEOs must review all syllabi before the beginning of the semester to ensure that problematic issues are corrected.  Please review this page to make sure your syllabus follows related guidelines.

All syllabi must be updated every semester with the correct semester and year, course title, and the four-digit course number.  When using ICON, it can be easy to forget to update this information, but please do so since an older date on a syllabus can easily convince a student that the material is not relevant—or that an assignment is not actually due.

Revised Grading Guidelines
As announced earlier, there have been some modifications in the CLAS grading guidelines for undergraduate courses to better reflect actual grading practices used by CLAS instructors.  We hope you have time to review these guidelines at this page before the semester begins.

Please let me know what concerns or questions you might have.