Administrative Manual — EFRS

Please note: During the 2020-21 academic year, these policies, procedures, and practices will move to the CLAS Policies and Procedures website. At that time, this page will be discontinued.

Support for Information Systems
Allocation of Space in the College
Facilities Management
Intramural Support for Teaching and Research
Support for External Fundraising through the UI Foundation


Regarding Contact
External and internal research support, faculty development, research centers and institutes Joshua Weiner, Associate Dean for Research
Space and equipment allocations Eugene Buck, Assistant to the Associate Dean for Research and Development
Computer and instructional technology support Lance Bolton, Director of Information Systems
Services of the UI Foundation, including alumni and friends communications, annual fund programs, capital campaigns, deferred gifts See UI Foundation Contacts


Purchases of Equipment Costing over $2,000

Equipment that costs $2,000 or more may be purchased through transfer of funds from the department’s general expense account to the department’s equipment budget. The MFK includes organizational account code 340. The department does not need authorization in advance for such a transfer. The department submits a Blue Requisition (Purchase Requisition) for the Dean’s signature.

Grant funds may also be used to purchase equipment. These expenditures are monitored by the Grants Accounting Office, not by the College. Granting agencies frequently have regulations governing the use of grant funds to purchase, lease, rent, and maintain equipment, as well as governing the ultimate ownership of research-related equipment. Consult the Division of Sponsored Programs for more information.

Instructional Equipment Requests

In the summer or early in the fall semester, the Dean’s Office asks the DEO to submit a comprehensive, prioritized list of the department’s equipment needs. The College reviews the requests to see how they fit collegiate priorities and to develop its case for equipment support from the University’s central administration. When a request is approved, the department receives instructions on how to proceed with the purchase.

The College attempts to adhere to the department’s priorities. If the department’s equipment needs change during the year, the DEO sends the Dean’s Office a revised priority list and explanation.

Unavoidable Loss of Equipment

If equipment is damaged by fire, lightning, flood, or other natural disasters and substitute equipment is not available, the DEO sends Dean Kearney a completed Request for Equipment Allocation form, along with a letter describing the loss, its impact, the original source of funds, and security measures taken before and after the loss.

When equipment is stolen, the DEO reports the theft to the Department of Public Safety. If the equipment is not recovered and substitute equipment is not available, the DEO sends Dean Kearney a copy of the Incident Report, the University’s Request for Equipment Allocation form, and a letter describing the loss, its impact, the original source of funds, user access, and security measures taken.

The College applies for reimbursement through the self-insurance fund administered by the University’s Risk Manager, Diana Cook, under guidelines set by the University’s Facilities Renewal and Equipment Committee (FREC). Generally, there is a $500 departmental deductible assessed to each incident of damage or theft. The deductible may be higher or the claim refused if reasonable preventive measures were not used or if such measures are not implemented to prevent further loss. (See the Operations Manual V-15 and V-20.)

Support for Information Systems

CLAS Information Technology Group

The College’s Information Technology Group (IT) provides support for computer and instructional technology in departments. Lance Bolton is the Senior Director of Information Technology (38 MacBride Hall, 335-3554) and leads a group of 15, delivering the IT mission for the College. He also serves as the College’s liaison to the University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) and campus-wide committees that work on instructional technology policy and implementation.

Technical and User Support

Collegiate computer support encompasses working with faculty and staff on the selection of new computer systems and troubleshooting hardware and software. For more information, please consult the CLAS IT Group's website. Note that IT does not support faculty research computing, department-owned servers, or the regular maintenance of departmental web pages. As time permits, CLAS IT may assist with the support of department-specific software, the installation and support of computers in graduate assistant offices, and the resolution of other departmental information systems issues, including departmental web pages.

Computing Maintenance and Support

The College will assist in maintaining computers purchased with University funds. This arrangement does not cover equipment purchased with external grants or personal funds. View a list of departmental assignments. A support consultant will examine the machine and may be able to make repairs at no cost to the department.

Allocation of Space in the College

When a unit has a reduction in its number of faculty or staff or in its teaching, research, or service responsibilities, the University may reallocate some space previously assigned to that unit. The University’s Facilities Renewal and Equipment Committee (FREC) will consult with Dean Kearney and make decisions based on the University’s strategic planning priorities. (See the Operations Manual V-36.)

The DEO sends requests for assignment of new space to Eugene Buck. In the assignment of office space, tenured and tenure-track faculty will have first priority; visitors may be asked to share office space, and TAs may be asked to share stations. Space allocations for TAs are based on the number of HTE assistantships, not the total number of individuals receiving support.

Facilities Management

Routine Maintenance and Minor Repairs

Facilities Management is responsible for routine maintenance and minor repairs to buildings. Any member of the faculty or staff may report to the Work Control Center (335–5071) the need for minor repairs to such things as lights and fixtures, windows, painting, fire safety systems, air conditioners, locks and keys, elevators, plumbing, and heating, cooling, and ventilation systems.


To obtain an estimate of the cost of remodeling, the DEO sends a Blue Requisition for the estimate to the Work Control Center (260 USB); the estimate and the planning to complete the project will be made without charge to the department. The University’s Planning, Design, and Construction Service is responsible for renovation and construction projects that cost over $25,000, while Facilities Management takes care of projects that cost less than $25,000.

If the project will cost less than $25,000 and the department is able to fund the project from its general expense budget, the DEO sends a Blue Requisition to the Work Control Center (260 USB) for the desired work and a copy of the estimate to Dean Kearney. If the department needs supplemental funds, the DEO consults Dean Kearney, who determines whether additional funds are available. After Operations and Maintenance is charged to begin the project, the estimator coordinates the project through its completion and serves as the contact person.

When a project will cost over $25,000, or when substantial alteration to an existing structure is required, the DEO sends Dean Kearney a completed Request for Building Renewal form, a detailed narrative describing the required work and, if appropriate, a rough sketch. The College evaluates the project and places approved projects on its list of priorities. This list is forwarded to the Facilities Services Group and to the Facilities Renewal and Equipment Committee (FREC), which considers funding. (See the Operations Manual V-33.)

Support for External Fundraising through the UI Foundation

Function of the UI Foundation

The University of Iowa Foundation (Levitt Center for University Advancement, 319-335-3305) is the preferred channel for private support to all areas of the University. The Foundation and the College jointly support the positions of Senior Director, Director, and two Associate Directors of Development for Liberal Arts and Sciences. These officers work with the College and departments to generate major private gifts, develop contacts with alumni and potential contributors, and raise unrestricted gifts to the Liberal Arts and Sciences Development Fund.

Departments consult the Foundation before initiating any fund-raising activity, whether by mail, phone, or personal contact.

Services Provided by UI Foundation

The UI Foundation’s services fall into the following five categories:

  1. Alumni Communications — To support regular communication with alumni, the Foundation offers initial content and design review of newsletters and surveys free of charge and provides mailing labels from its alumni database for a nominal fee. If newsletters contain contribution forms or other response devices, the Foundation must review the wording and assign appropriate codes for tracking and recording gifts.
  2. Annual Fund Programs — These annual campaigns lay the groundwork for more extensive fund-raising initiatives. The Foundation offers for a fee writing, design, and mailing services for direct mail campaigns.
  3. Capital Campaigns — Major gift campaigns, with goals of $100,000 or more, must be approved by the Dean’s Office and the Foundation (and in some cases by central administration). Once approved, major gift campaigns require considerable long-range planning, including a feasibility study.
  4. Deferred Gifts — The Foundation’s gift planning staff work with individual alumni and other contributors on gifts made through methods such as wills or trusts.
  5. Stewardship — The Foundation acknowledges all contributions, provides receipts, and recognizes contributions through honor rolls such as the Liberal Arts and Sciences Dean’s Club and the Presidents Club. The Foundation encourages departments to recognize their donors in ways that range from sending thank-you letters to planning activities that incorporate donors into the life of the department (e.g., bringing scholarship donors together with student recipients).