APR for Merit Raises

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Raúl Curto, Executive Associate Dean
RE: APR for Merit Raises

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As you will recall, CLAS continues to team up with the Office of the Provost to improve and enhance the APR project.  Over the last several months, most faculty in CLAS have opted in, and have a version of APR in reasonably good shape.  Others have entered the information on their own, and have become quite knowledgeable about the database.  In any event, all CLAS faculty eligible for a merit raise have now the ability to see their own APR, to edit the information therein, and to run reports.  Thus, the time is opportune to bring the project to its new phase, in which faculty reviews can begin to use the information stored. 

Beginning in Spring 2016, APR will be the primary source of information for merit raise reviews and merit raise allocations.  Please remind your faculty to update their APR profiles, so that they can be in final form and ready to be queried by March 4, 2016.  In sharp contrast with what we have done in previous years, and in an effort to adhere to recommendations from the Task Force on Process Streamlining, CLAS will not request submission of CVs in pdf form.  Instead, right after March 4, 2016, our staff will create departmental subdirectories in the N: drive, and place pdf versions of each faculty member’s APR, to be used for merit raise evaluations.

As in the past, faculty who do not update their APR by March 4, 2016, will be ineligible to receive merit raises.  As before, faculty who are resigning or retiring at the end of Spring 2016 are not required to update their APR at this time. 

The APR should be updated no later than 4:00 PM, March 4, 2016 The College will be pulling the reports and depositing them in the shared N: drive; DEOs, departmental administrators, and key staff will have access to this directory.

For those faculty needing additional help and support in updating their APR profiles, the College will offer four workshops over the winter break:

            December 21, 12:00-4:00 p.m., 2523 UCC

            December 30, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., 2523 UCC

            January 8, 1:00-5:00 p.m., 210 EPB

            January 15, 12:30-4:30 p.m., 41 SH

If you have any further questions about the APR please email provost-apr-support@uiowa.edu .

Thank you.