Pointed Encounters: Dance in Post-Culloden Scottish Literature

October 13, 2014
Pointed Encounters Dance in Post-Culloden Scottish Literature
Anne McKee Stapleton


Pointed Encounters establishes the literary significance of representations of dance in poetry, song, dance m...anuals, and fiction written between 1750 and 1830. Presenting original readings of canonical texts and fresh readings of neglected but significant literary works, this book traces the complicated role of social dancing in Scottish culture and identifies the hitherto unexplored motif of dance as an outwardly conforming, yet covertly subversive, expression of Scottish identity during the period. The volume draws upon diverse yet mutually revealing texts, from traditional dance and music to Sir Walter Scott and contemporary Scottish women novelists, to offer students and scholars of Scottish and English literature a fresh insight into the socio-cultural context of the British state after 1746.