Los buenos propósitos

November 15, 2015
Los buenos propósitos
Ana Merino
"Con una intención tan literaria como irónica Ana Merino ha titulado a este libro Los buenos propósitos. Estos poemas celebran el vuelo libre de la imaginación a la vez que indagan con ternura en las contradicciones de la existencia humana. Hay en esta poesía un recorrido vital que va desde la desesperación y la angustia hasta la plenitud y la luz. Su original voz ahonda en su capacidad para crear un orden poético, una fortaleza rítmica donde las sombras de la vida consumada renacen en la alquimia de unos versos que nunca dejan de sorprendernos." Ana Merino is an associate professor of creative writing in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese, part of the Division of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures within the UI College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. She has published seven books of poetry, a youth novel, a scholarly book on comics, and numerous articles and essays. The College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Iowa is a comprehensive college offering 64 majors in the humanities; fine, performing and literary arts; natural and mathematical sciences; social and behavioral sciences; and communication disciplines. More than 16,000 undergraduate and 2,000 graduate students study each year in the College’s 39 departments, led by professors at the forefront of teaching and research in their disciplines. The college teaches all UI undergraduates through the General Education Program, and confers about 70 percent of the UI's bachelor's degrees each academic year.