Lizzy Mello '14

Dartmouth, MA
Lizzy Mello

An Honors student double-majoring in International Studies and Dance and a key member of several campus organizations, Lizzy Mello is busy!

In addition to serving on the Dean's Student Advisory Committee and participating in the Undergraduate Dance Organization, Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, and the Dance Department's many performances, Lizzy is actively involved in the University Honors Program, as a part of which she regularly works with professors on Honors Designation projects. She's enthusiastic about the projects, though: "They're a great way to explore an aspect of a class in more depth and make faculty connections. For instance, for my Introduction to International Relations class, I wrote a paper about the political overtones in national ballet companies during the Cold War, combining my interests in dance and international affairs."

Lizzy's choice to major in Dance was an easy one: "Although I've been dancing nearly my entire life," she says, "I was ready to improve my technique as well as study different aspects of it in a more academic setting." She chose a second major in International Studies to learn more about the history, languages, health, and environmental issues of other countries. She especially appreciates the flexibility of the interdisciplinary major: "I'm able to make it the major I want it to be, learning exactly what I want to."

After she graduates from the College, Lizzy is planning to attend graduate school in a health-related discipline, with the goal of securing a humanitarian position abroad. She studied in India during the winter of her freshman year as part of the UI India Winterim program and found it such an important experience that she's planning to do it again—but this time, she'll put her Spanish minor to work in the Dominican Republic, where she'll study health, nutrition, and environmental issues in Latin America.

Her advice to first-year students is, "Try as much as you can. This university offers such a breath of experiences, and although it's impossible to take every class and join every student organization, exploring a variety of experiences makes for a great college experience."