Haoyang Yan '14

Guangzhou, China
class of 2014 student Haoyang Yan

Majors: Economics and Psychology
Minor: Math

Why did you choose your major?
It is interesting see how people behave rationally and emotionally.

What campus organizations and activities are you involved in?
University Honors Program, Dean's Student Advisory Committee, Mock Trial, Student Model United Nations, On Iowa, VITA-NRA Tax Workshop

Have you studied abroad or held an internship? If so, when and where?
I studied abroad in summer 2012 in Italy with the CIMBA program.

What have some of your favorite classes been outside of your major? Why?
Italian and piano. The instructors are very passionate, and I really learned a lot!

Have you participated in research projects with faculty members?
Yes. I worked with Drs. Levin and Gaeth on human judgement and decision-making.

Who has been your favorite professor and why?
Professor Rene Lecuona. She is so passionate and kind that her words can make my day.

What advice would you give to a first-year student?
Don't hesitate to seek help from professors, peers, or the various campus resources.

What are your post-graduation plans and dreams?
Go to a top graduate school in the area of Economics or Psychology. I want to settle down in Europe and go to music school as well.