Teaching Policies & Resources — Guidelines for E-mail Notification of Academic Misconduct

As the first step in reporting academic misconduct, the instructor (or supervisor if the instructor is a teaching assistant) informs the suspected student of the concern in an e-mail at the uiowa.edu account, asking the student to discuss the situation in person if at all possible.

When discussing an incident of academic misconduct committed by more than one student, please be sensitive to the issue of student privacy and confidentiality. Do not mention the names of the other involved students in the e-mail and do not include their ID numbers. Please send an e-mail to each involved student.

The following points should be included in the initial e-mail:

  • Describe the academic misconduct that occurred and when it was discovered.
  • Briefly describe the documentation or proof supporting the claim that academic misconduct has been committed.
  • Describe the grade penalty that will be given for the assignment/quiz/exam.
  • Invite the student to discuss the situation in person as soon as possible.
  • Inform the student that he or she may also speak to the DEO about the misconduct policy or the action taken.
  • Inform the student that a formal report concerning the misconduct may be submitted to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
  • Encourage the student to review the CLAS academic misconduct policy at https://clas.uiowa.edu/students/handbook/academic-fraud-honor-code.

For information about reporting academic misconduct, please see the main page at https://clas.uiowa.edu/faculty/undergraduate-teaching-policies-resources/academic-misconduct.