Faculty Appointments & Review — Clinical-track Promotion, Other Considerations

Although annual and contract-renewal reviews of clinical-track faculty are not ordinarily a part of the Promotion Record, they shall be added by the Departmental Consulting Group, DEO, Collegiate Committee on Faculty Promotion and Tenure, or Dean if they are used to support a recommendation for or against promotion.

A candidate has the right to withdraw his or her dossier from further consideration at any point before the Provost has made his/her final decision regarding promotion. If a candidate withdraws his or her dossier from further consideration, the original dossier, including appendices and any supplemental materials added by the candidate, shall be returned to the candidate. All other materials in the Promotion Record at the time of withdrawal shall be returned to the candidate’s department, which shall retain them following the normal departmental or collegiate schedule for retention of promotion materials. The candidate shall not have access to these materials.

A college or department with the concurrence of its college, may apply in individual cases to the Provost for an exemption from any of these Procedures for a legitimate and valid reason. The college or department has the burden of convincing the Provost that the exemption adds value, fairness, and weight to the evaluation.

These procedures apply to clinical-track faculty only.