Faculty Appointments & Review — Brief Summary of Promotion & Tenure Process and Submission of Promotion Record 2022-23

The candidate prepares the dossier and submits it to the DEO, who then compiles the master Promotion Record according to guidelines and timelines available at this website.

The Department will transmit the Promotion Record, as a single bookmarked pdf, to the College via a College-established email (clas-pt@uiowa.edu).  Please submit a set of publications/artistic productions that were provided to external reviewers to the Dean's Office. Documents in electronic format may be submitted as a single bookmarked pdf. Books or other materials that are not available electronically should be delivered to the Dean's Office.

The College will set up a website with security via hawkid for each 2022-23 candidate and a collegiate staff member will upload the Promotion Records.  Access to the Promotion Records on the secure site will be given to the 8 members of the Collegiate Consulting Group.

At the point of transmission from the College to the Office of the Provost, security measures will close access to all collegiate individuals, and will open access to the Provost, the Associate Provost for Faculty, and one staff member.

Preliminary Preview (all cases) due:  November 1, 2022 (Or as soon as P&T Committee Report is placed in Promotion Record)

Final Promotion Records:
Tenure and Instructional-Track cases due
: Monday, December 5, 2022
Promotion to full professor cases due: Monday, December 12, 2022

View a flowchart of the process.

Please contact Tiffany Schier or Becca Tritten with any procedural questions.