Windows 7 no longer supported by Microsoft after 14 January 2020

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Lance Bolton, Senior Director CLAS Technology Services
RE: Windows 7 no longer supported by Microsoft after 14 January 2020

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Please refer to the note below from the central ITS cyber security team for in-depth details. Our college still has ~200 computers known to be running the Windows 7 operating system. Local consultants have the lists and will be proactively contacting owners of these systems. No action item needed other than to support your local IT consultants as they work to upgrade or replace systems before the deadline of vendor support ending. 

Best regards.


TO:  University faculty, researchers, staff, and students running Windows 7 on university computers

FROM:  Zach Furst, Security Operations Director, IT Security and Policy Office

RE:  We need your help - Windows 7 End of Life 

Support is ending for the Microsoft operating system, Windows 7, and the deadline is rapidly approaching. The campus IT community has made a concerted effort for the past year to upgrade university workstations to Windows 10, but we need your help with the remaining devices.  If you have not already upgraded your work computer(s) and/or lab workstations, you must contact your local IT professional to identify a transition plan.  It is important that we work to maintain our secure campus computing environment. 

A little context:  After January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide software/security updates, fixes, or technical support for PCs running Windows 7.  Systems still running Windows 7 after the deadline will be at great risk for viruses and malware, and we will be monitoring the network and taking further actions, since outdated systems can expose our campus network’s vulnerability to emerging threats. 

We need your help:  The IT professionals on campus have been carefully planning and working diligently to make this a smooth transition for all those using university computers running Windows 7.  If your university computers are still running Windows 7, please contact your local IT professional.  You will be helped with getting your computer upgraded to a supported version of Windows 10, Microsoft’s most recent operating system, as soon as possible.  Our goal is to avoid a negative situation that impacts academic productivity, or further, causes a security threat to our campus network.  Current operating systems help keep your computing activities and your data safer.  

The upgrade process:  The good news is that moving to Windows 10 is typically straightforward and with the help of your local IT professional, disruption to you and your workload should be minimized.  Most programs you use will be updated to work on Windows 10, and the layout and interface are somewhat like Windows 7, so the adjustment period should be minor.

Now is the time to upgrade to Windows 10.  If you want to read more about Microsoft’s operating system lifecycle, go here for more information.