Study Tips for Students Enrolled in Online Courses

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum
RE: Study Tips for Students Enrolled in Online Courses

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The guide below, sent to us by Shaun Vecera, Psychological and Brain Sciences, has excellent tips for students on how to effectively study using online tools.

As we all know, some students especially struggle with online courses, and we hope this handout gives you some useful tips and a way to help students to tackle the experience incrementally using simple techniques.

Meanwhile, I also want thank you for your hard work and creativity during this move to online courses. Your responses have been inspirational and compassionate as well as generous as you share your ideas with each other, which we know takes additional time.

We are all very grateful for your hard work and engagement.

Please let me know how I can help and support your efforts.

Using Lecture Recordings: A Guide for Students PDF