Reminder: Rationales for New Courses and Course Revisions

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Cornelia Lang, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Christine Getz, Associate Dean for Graduate Education
RE: Reminder: Rationales for New Courses and Course Revisions

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When creating a new course, revising an existing one, or requesting to keep an inactive course, departments can assist CLAS in understanding the role of the course by providing a thorough rationale in the workflow form. With a more complete rationale, CLAS can help departments make sure they have the instructional power and support they need to deliver their curriculum.

On the course approval form (or the inactive course drop form), please address these questions in the rationale box that are particularly relevant:

  • What role does this course play in the curriculum? (i.e., How does the course fit into the existing curriculum within the major, the minor, a certificate, the GE CLAS Core, as an elective, or in any other manner?)
  • Does this course overlap or appear to duplicate any courses in other CLAS departments?
  • How frequently will it be offered and what is the plan for staffing this course over the next few times it is taught? 
  • For undergraduate courses, will at least 16 students enroll in the course when it is offered? If not, are there special considerations (i.e., space or equipment limitations)?
  • For graduate courses, can the class be offered collaboratively with other CLAS units in order to maximize graduate teaching power and offer a more diversified graduate experience?

For requests to add a cross-reference or change the admin home of the course, please offer a brief explanation of the reasons driving the request.

Examples of rationales are available on the CLAS website:

Thank you for your careful attention to your courses and curriculum.