Revision of Language in the Required CLAS Syllabus Statement: Nondiscrimination in the Classroom

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and the Humanities; Meenakshi Gigi Durham, Associate Dean for Outreach and Engagement and Director of Diversity
RE: Revision of Language in the Required CLAS Syllabus Statement: Nondiscrimination in the Classroom

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We recently asked the UI Office of the General Counsel to review the language of the new required syllabus insert section titled Nondiscrimination in the Classroom. Based on that office’s recommendation, changes have been made to the statement, with the final version below.

Starting with Fall 2017, this updated nondiscrimination statement will be required on every CLAS syllabus.

Many departments share all required CLAS syllabus statements by providing instructors with a copy of the CLAS syllabus insert that includes these statements. The insert can then be added by the instructor to the final pages of their updated syllabi. This ensures that all instructors have the same policies included on their syllabi and that they are updated as needed.

The revised statement has been added to the CLAS syllabus insert and to the CLAS syllabus template in case an instructor would like to use that syllabus format.

Thank you for sharing this version of the statement with all instructors:

Nondiscrimination in the Classroom
The University of Iowa is committed to making the classroom a respectful and inclusive space for all people irrespective of their gender, sexual, racial, religious or other identities. Toward this goal, students are invited to optionally share their preferred names and pronouns with their instructors and classmates. The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination and harassment against individuals on the basis of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, and other identity categories set forth in the University’s Human Rights policy. For more information, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, or visit

We would like to thank CLAS faculty for their feedback on the above statement and for supporting the addition of this important item on the syllabus.