Reminder: Revised Syllabus Insert of CLAS Information and Policies

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum, and the Humanities
RE: Reminder: Revised Syllabus Insert of CLAS Information and Policies

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The required insert for the syllabus containing CLAS information and policies for students has been revised.

All instructors and staff should refer to and use the revised insert, available at this link:

The insert’s content has been shortened so that it fits on a single page, with the information about reacting to severe weather removed. Other paragraphs were tightened to allow details to be added to sections on “Accommodations for Disabilities” and “Nondiscrimination in the Classroom,” for example. Our goal is to continue to limit the insert to one page so that it does not expand indefinitely.

Thank you for your help and for using the revised insert.