Reminders: Attachment of Syllabi and Addition of Instructor

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum, and the Humanities
RE: Reminders: Attachment of Syllabi and Addition of Instructor

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Syllabus Attachment
As a reminder, each CLAS undergraduate course listed on the MyUI schedule should have a syllabus or a summary of the syllabus attached to the course offering.

  • The Offerings Planner is used to attach the syllabus or its summary.
  • In order to view the attached syllabi, login to MyUI. Once logged-in, go the course tab. The syllabus or its summary, if attached, will be visible once you click on a course link and view the course information. Only those in the UI community with a HawkID and a password can access this material.
  • The Registrar has also created a new report in MAUI to help you see which courses are lacking a syllabus or a syllabus summary.

There are valid reasons for not attaching a syllabus or a summary of the syllabus, below:

  • If an instructor has not yet been hired
  • If the instructor has not yet been assigned to a course
  • If the course is new and still under development
  • If the textbook is new and still under development 

Addition of Instructors
Please also check your inclusion of an instructor for each course listed on the Offerings Planner. Courses without instructors can have trouble filling since undergraduates in particular and their advisors want assurance that the course will not be cancelled. Many like to read more about their instructors once enrolled.

The College also needs this instructor information added, and it can cause difficulties understanding faculty assignments and load when not included in the planner and not appearing on the MyUI Schedule of Courses.

Thank you, as always, for your help.