CLAS Faculty Governance and CLAS Staff Council Elections

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Sara Sanders, Dean and Director of DEI
RE: CLAS Faculty Governance and CLAS Staff Council Elections

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Please encourage both faculty and staff in your unit to uphold the College's strong tradition of shared governance by participating in the nomination processes for service on UI and CLAS governance bodies. Online nominations, which take place February 2-9, 2022, are the only way that candidates can be designated. Nominations are conducted securely on the groups’ respective websites, linked below.

We value representation in shared governance and recognize the importance of diverse perspectives and voices in our CLAS leadership groups. We encourage nominations and self-nominations of faculty and staff who identify as underrepresented minorities, Black and Indigenous people of color, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, and other minoritized or marginalized categories.

Tenure-track and clinical-track faculty may nominate themselves and/or colleagues, if eligible, for election to the College's:

Instructional-track faculty may nominate themselves and/or colleagues, if eligible, for election to the following committees:

Instructional-track faculty may also nominate colleagues who are tenure-track and clinical-track faculty, if eligible, for election to the following committees:

CLAS Staff members may nominate themselves and/or fellow CLAS staff members to serve on CLAS Staff Council

Information on where faculty and staff submit nominations and cast ballots will be posted on the CLAS website and distributed via email after 8:00 AM on Wednesday, February 2, as soon as the site is live.