Undergraduate Student Absence Form: New for Fall 2019

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and the Humanities
RE: Undergraduate Student Absence Form: New for Fall 2019

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An undergraduate absence form is now available for students to use; it appears on ICON under
Student Tools.

The purpose of the form is to remind students that they are expected to attend class and to contribute to the learning environment. The form asks students to acknowledge that it is their responsibility to learn any missed materials.

Students are asked to give the form to instructors in person in order to discuss the absence if needed, particularly since talking with an instructor seems challenging for some of today’s students.

The form has a space for an instructor to enter whether or not the absence is excused. We hope this impresses on students the importance of knowing the course attendance policy as stated in the syllabus.

student toolsThe form does not replace any other UI forms, such as those for SDS accommodations or for UI authorized activities.

This CLAS Faculty page gives information about absence policies and procedures related to undergraduates: https://clas.uiowa.edu/faculty/student-attendance-and-absences.

The complete form can be found at this link: https://clas.uiowa.edu/sites/default/files/ABSENCE%20EXPLANATION%20FORM.pdf

If you have suggestions, please feel free to email me, and thank you for all you do to help our students.