Professional Development Award Applications Update

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Joshua Weiner, Associate Dean for Research
RE: Professional Development Award Applications Update

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This memo provides CLAS application deadlines for 2022-2023 Professional Development Awards (PDAs; formerly known as CDAs). Please disseminate this information to your tenured faculty.

Please Note: The Provost Portal has moved to the new Faculty Admin Center that recently launched. The following link provides directions for the PDA application process: Please make note of the following deadlines.

Submitted electronically - Monday, August 30, 2021

DEO approval submitted electronically - Monday, September 6, 2021

The College administers the Professional Development Awards program under the Provost's guidelines and criteria and under the College's policy on Professional Development Awards.

Instructions for submitting proposals to the CLAS Dean’s Office are provided at this link: