Textbook Ordering: Reminder of Compliance and Exception Policy

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and the Humanities
RE: Textbook Ordering: Reminder of Compliance and Exception Policy

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The University of Iowa must comply with legislation that requires textbook information to be available on the institution’s course schedule before students register for the semester that the books will be used.

  • The deadline for compliance was Monday, April 8.
  • Please check your orders to ensure they are posted on the MyUI Schedule of Courses.

At the University of Iowa, the following exceptions may be made by the department or program to this "early-order" policy, as follows: 

  • If an instructor has not yet been hired
  • If the instructor has not yet been assigned to a course
  • If the course is new and still under development
  • If the textbook is new and still under development

Departments and programs may decide which courses will routinely receive an exception because of the logistics, for example, of the assignment of new teaching assistants.

Exceptions must be used judiciously, with a department or unit otherwise submitting the bulk of textbook orders by the deadline.

  • Each semester, the College and UI will check for compliance to this Federal mandate as obligated by the institution's dedication to transparency and integrity.
  • Instructors requesting an exception should only be granted according to the reasons given above while also using common sense as a guide.

*Visit section the HEO Act for more details concerning the legislation (scroll to down to this tag [Page 122 STAT. 3107].