Textbook Ordering for Undergraduate Courses: Deadlines

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Helena Dettmer, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Curriculum and the Humanities
RE: Textbook Ordering for Undergraduate Courses: Deadlines

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All textbooks must be ordered for the next semester before Early Registration begins in order for UI to be in compliance with the HEO Act.

 For Fall 2018, ER has now begun and textbooks should be ordered.

  • Textbook Ordering Deadline for Fall 2018:                Before April 9, 2018
  • Textbook Ordering Deadline for Spring 2019:           Before November 5, 2018


An exception may be made to this deadline in the following circumstances:

  1. If an instructor has not yet been hired
  2. If the instructor has not yet been assigned to a course
  3. If the course is new and still under development
  4. If the textbook is new and still under development

Additionally, only standalone courses and lectures require textbook information; related discussion sections and labs do not require this entry.

  • Please check your undergraduate courses now for compliance, making sure that courses not requiring books or which are included in the list above are given an exception, as appropriate.

Use the Offerings Planner field, below, found under the link “Textbooks and Resources,” to make an update to a course about textbooks.

Offerings Planner Field

Additional information from the Registrar about textbooks and ordering them is available here: https://registrar.uiowa.edu/textbook-and-resources-help.